Record Store

Wel­come to the Out­er Edges of Pop!

Open­ing Hours
Tue–Sat 12.00–18.00

Record Store Day 2025
Sat 12 April 

We offer the hot­test new and equally hot (mostly pristine) 2nd-hand records, CDs, books and magazines.

For loved ones in love with music we do have gift cards in store.

For order inquir­ies or a simple “Hello”

Record Store Day 2025

The list of special releases (limited and exclusive records) is online.

You would like to commit and order records from this list?

Please e-mail us your order ( until Monday 3 March and we will try our best to get the records for you.

As soon as we have information on availability and prices we will contact you and let you know when the records can be picked up at our store.

Hope to see you soon!
Yours, Holger